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FULBRIGHT/2024-25 U.S. Student Program: Greece-Turkey Joint Research Award (up to 2 awards)

2 Greece-Turkey Fulbright Joint Research Award

Award Profile

This joint award is provided by the Greek and Turkish Fulbright Commissions and allows students to engage in comparative trans-regional research and/or study. Up to two awards per academic year are open to candidates at all degree levels. While applications from Master and Ph.D. candidates are preferred, well-researched projects by recent college/university graduates will also be accepted. Applications from all fields will be considered; however, preference will be given to applicants in the following fields related to Greece and Turkey: environmental studies, marine biology, disaster management and emergency preparedness, Classical, Byzantine, Ottoman studies, political science, social sciences, classical studies / archaeology, cultural policy, music and the arts, and tourism (including eco- and agro-tourism). The award is for 9 months with 4.5 months spent in each country. Applicants may select which country to visit first, depending on the needs of their project.

Following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all applications will be evaluated without prejudice toward individuals with disabilities. The Turkish Fulbright Commission and Fulbright Greece are fully committed to recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every person, and to the provision of equal rights and opportunities.

Recruitment for all educational exchange programs is based on open, and fair national competition, and on individual merit and academic excellence. Transparency in the selection process is assured.

Grant Period

9 Months

September Start

The award is for 9 months with terms equally divided between the two host countries. Grantees are expected to be in the first country of destination in mid-September for the required Initial Orientation Meeting.

Applicants may select which country to visit first, depending on the needs of their project. Grants in either country must be completed by late June.

In-Country Orientation
Grantees are expected in the first country of destination at least a few days before the beginning of the academic year and are required to attend a Fulbright Commission orientation.

Candidate Profile

Candidates at all degree levels are accepted, but preference is given to Master's and Ph.D. candidates. Applications from all fields will be considered; however, preference will be given to applicants in the following fields related to Greece and Turkey: environmental studies, marine biology, disaster management and emergency preparedness, Classical, Byzantine, Ottoman studies, political science, social sciences, classical studies / archaeology, cultural policy, music and the arts, and tourism (including eco- and agro-tourism).

Candidates with dual U.S.-Turkish citizenship are eligible to apply. However, dual citizens are not eligible if either of the following applies: (1) The candidate received a degree from a university in Turkey; (2) The candidate resided in Turkey for more than a consecutive year within the past five years.

Accepted Degree Levels

Foreign Language Proficiency
Not Required

Independent research projects with minimal support from local English-speaking hosts may require a good command of Turkish and/or Greek languages. Some study of Turkish and Greek prior to arrival is encouraged in order to promote deeper engagement with the host community.

Fulbright Proposal Types
Independent Study/Research: Yes
Graduate Degree Enrollment: No

Letter required for independent study or research at deadline

Applicants are encouraged to secure affiliation(s) in Greece and Turkey and submit letters of invitation/affiliation indicating name/position of host and details on collaborating educational/cultural organization/institution. Projects must be well formulated and achievable under the guidance of an adviser/mentor at an educational, cultural, or government institution. Library and research facilities are generally limited.

Candidates who are interested in applying for a grant in Turkey are welcome to contact the Turkish Fulbright Commission for further information.

Prospective candidates are also encouraged to visit the Turkish Fulbright Commission's YouTube channel where they can find videos with former grantee testimonials and other informational videos.The Fulbright Foundation in Greece can assist candidates with affiliations but it is up to the candidate to secure a host institution/organization. Placements take place throughout Greece. Students can seek affiliations here

The Turkish Fulbright Commission and the Fulbright Foundation in Greece reserve the right to interview finalists via an online platform or by telephone.

Affiliation Fees/Tuition
Affiliation Fees/Tuition offered at discretion of host university/Award.
Fulbright Greece may provide partial associate membership fees to students affiliated with the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA).

Housing Arrangements
Grantees arrange their own housing in Türkiye. Some universities may offer housing to grantees on their campuses.
Grantees are responsible for arranging their own accommodation in Greece.
Greek dual citizens are welcome to apply. Applicants are permitted to reside in Greece in the year prior to the grant.
Turkish dual citizens may not apply for the Greece-Turkey Joint award. Applicants are not permitted to reside in Turkey in the year prior to the grant.

Special Application Instructions
In your Fulbright online application, for Award Name please select Fulbright Greece-Turkey Joint Research Award from the drop-down menu to be considered for this award. You must select Greece for Country 1 and Turkey for Country 2.
Candidates may be contacted for Skype interviews by the Turkish Commission.


Dependent financial support is available.
Increase of monthly maintenance allowance by 150 USD for up to two dependents for the Greek portion of the grant. The Turkish Fulbright Commission does not offer dependent support for this grant.

Visa Requirements
Candidates will work with the Greek Commission to obtain the correct visa and necessary documentation for their arrivals. Visas to Greece for Fulbrighters and their underage dependents are provided free of charge. This type of visa is also a residence permit which covers the total grant period and allows for travel in and out of Greece and the Schengen Treaty Area.

In Türkiye, grantees are responsible for acquiring the proper visa and permits for their grant. Visas should be obtained from a Turkish Embassy/Consulate.

Grantees are required to pay their own visa application fees. Permit application fees will be covered by the Turkish Fulbright Commission. In addition, costs associated with acquiring any official documentation required for the necessary permit application, including a valid health insurance in Türkiye, are also covered by the Turkish Fulbright Commission.

Research Permission (Araştırma İzni): In addition to acquiring the appropriate visa, depending on the nature of the research project, some grantees may be expected to obtain research permission from the relevant ministries, research centers, museums, or libraries. Grantees are responsible for obtaining research permission (if necessary) for their research projects; however, the Turkish Fulbright Commission can provide guidance.

Φορέας Υποτροφίας
Επίπεδο Σπουδών




Κριτήρια Επιλογής


Αφορά Σπουδές


Θεματική κατηγορία

Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες

Επιστήμες Περιβάλλοντος

Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες

Οικονομία – Διοίκηση


Προηγούμενη περίοδος υποβολής αιτήσεων

03/04/2023 - 10/10/2023